Growing Beyond Earth®


In preparation for the school year, GBE will be hosting our Teacher Training Sessions. Below is the information for the virtual sessions.

September 4th (Spanish Session), 6PM – 9PM (Zoom)

September 10th, 6PM – 9PM (Zoom)

September 14th, 9:30AM – 12:30PM (in-person @ Fairchild Garden)

September 14th, 1:30PM – 4:30PM (Zoom)

During these sessions we will be discussing and training on the new experimental protocols for the upcoming school year. Look out for another email later in the month to register for your classroom’s experiment.

For new and returning teachers, all supplies will be provided through our Shopify site. More information will be given at the Teacher Training Sessions.

We look forward to seeing everyone in these training sessions!

This year’s summer Growing Beyond Earth interns have been hard at work testing a new set of potential experiments for the upcoming school year. The interns have been exploring novel crops, alternative growth media, herbal teas, irradiated seeds (simulated cosmic rays), and light recipes.

In June, the Growing Beyond Earth interns traveled to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. The interns were able to meet with the NASA scientists associated with the experiments.


With generous support from