Florida Native Orchids for Sale

We sell orchids from our orchid nursery at Fairchild’s plant shows and online. At our plant sales, visitors are welcome to talk to our scientists and learn about conservation and orchids that do well in South Florida.
Our focus in orchid sales is on varieties you can grow outdoors in south Florida, particularly those that perform well outdoors, on trees, and in hot weather. This frequently includes orchids from the Caribbean, native orchids, and a few other hot-growing tropical species like Vandas. The plants on offer vary based on what Fairchild has in stock and what our scientists and gardeners want to focus on. Some native orchids we feature for sale include:
Milt. moreliana X Mtdm. Milton Carpenter
These are hardy, warm-growing orchid hybrids that more closely resemble large-flowered oncidiums. Their flowers are purple and brilliantly patterned. It grows well as a potted plant or attached to trees when grown in southern Florida. (Pot size: 4 inch)
The Million Orchid Project Restoration Kit – Epidendrum nocturnum
Be part of the Million Orchid Project! You can help restore rare Florida orchids in your own backyard trees. Your restoration package will include 12 orchid seedlings, attachment materials, and an informational package. These are not blooming orchids as they will be seedlings for orchid growers to establish in their yards, gardens, or other outdoor spaces. (All orchids are cultivated from seed at Fairchild Garden). Please allow up to 30 days for delivery of your quality orchids.
Epidendrum nocturnum (origin: Maimi-Dade County), also called the “Night Fragrant Epidendrum” this tropical orchid grows throughout the swamps and tropical hammocks in the southern part of Florida. Their elegant green and white flowers are very fragrant at night and can flower any time of the year. It grows well on a variety of hardwood trees and prefers the shadiest branches.
Encyclia tampensis
The Florida Butterfly Orchid (or Tampa Butterfly Orchid) is found in not only its namesake state of Florida but also the Bahamas and Cuba. In Florida, you’re most likely to find it in the south and central parts of the state. It features greenish or bronze-colored petals around a white lip with a purple dot. This plant is an epiphyte, attaching to live oaks, mangroves, cypress, and more in its natural habitat.
Trichocentrum undulatum
The Spotted Mule Eared Orchid is found all around the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, known to Florida, the West Indies, and Central/South America. Its flowers are a mottled brown-green color with a bright purple-pink center. It is rare in the wild in Florida, found only deep in the Everglades.
Oncidium ensatum
Also known as the Florida Oncidium, this native ground orchid grows in densely shaded hammocks. It can also be partially epiphytic, growing at the bases of trees. It is distributed in tropical America but only extends into extreme southern Florida.
Cyrtopodium punctatum
Also known as the Cowhorn Orchid, Bee Swarm Orchid, and Cigar Orchid, Cyrtopodium punctatum‘s flower has pale yellowish-green sepals with purple spots, brighter but similarly colored petals, and a lip with ruddy brown-orange marks. Populations of this epiphytic orchid can be found in Mexico, Argentina, and Florida.
This genus from the orchid family is native to the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico, but not Florida. However, Fairchild likes to grow and sell orchids with a cultural heritage that represents Miami’s diverse population, and so this genus, with its gorgeous pink-to-purple blooms, is a common one in Fairchild’s orchid sales.
Shop Orchids at the Fairchild Plant Store Online!

Buying Florida Orchids FAQs
What are the best orchids to grow in Florida?
The best orchids to grow include those from the Caribbean, including low elevation tropical orchid species and native South Florida orchids. Vandas from Southeast Asia grow very well in South Florida, as well as Cattleya orchids from Central and South America.
Do orchids do well in Florida? Where do orchid growers grow orchids?
Orchids are everywhere on the planet. There are orchids that do well in Siberia! In southern Florida, such tropical plants can grow very well. But north of Okeechobee, this is not true, as the climate gets too cold for tropical plants like orchids from the tropics, and a frost or freeze will kill even the most healthy plants.
In South Florida, you can grow cool-growing species in a greenhouse. There are some native orchids that grow well in Central/North Florida, but they tend to be smaller orchids; they are rare and there aren’t many in the wild. One species, Bletilla striata, is a temperate ground orchid from Asia that will grow in North Florida.
Orchid care depends on the species of orchid. Research your orchid species to determine whether it is suited to the Florida climate and how to best grow and care for it.
How much do real orchids cost?
Anywhere from 2 dollars to 2 million dollars! There was one case of an orchid purchased in Japan for 2 million dollars. The price is totally based on exclusivity and rarity. This is also one of the main drivers for poaching. One of the goals of the Million Orchid Project is to destroy the black market for orchid plants that are destined for private collection. The Million Orchid Project would potentially devalue the price of black market orchids. Our goal is conservation through propagation.
Are there any orchids native to Florida?
There are just over 100 species of orchids in the state of Florida. Roughly 60 of those are found in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Collier counties.
About half of all species of orchids in the US are in FL, and about a quarter of the US orchids are in South FL specifically. South Florida is the United States’ orchid hotspot. It’s a crossroads of environments since it’s close to the Caribbean and the US continent, bringing together species from both areas in an ecotone – a transitional region between biomes.
Do orchids do well outside in Florida?
In the southern region of the United States, orchids do well below the frost line. In Florida, the frost line dictates where you can grow orchids on trees. The hardiness zone scale can help you, a lot of growers grow orchids in 10a or 10b. For outdoor orchids, you have to be above 8a or 8b for the hardiest outdoor species.
Where are wild orchids found in Florida?
Mostly in southern Florida. Most of them are in Collier county which is just outside of the Everglades. You can also find wild orchids Miami-Dade, Broward, Collier, and Monroe counties. The restriction to these areas is due to the climate in the subtropical region – hardiness zones 11a & 11b. Further north, the periodic frost limits the tropical species. In northern Florida, you can find lots of ground orchids with only one or two tree orchid species.
Where is the Orchid Festival in Florida?
If you’re looking for orchid shows, visit the Orchid Festival in March at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens!
Where can you find tropical orchids in Florida?
These orchids grow south of Lake Okeechobee where frosts are less frequent, allowing warm-climate orchids to thrive below the frost line.
Do orchids grow well in Florida?
Absolutely! It just depends on the species and whether it is suited to the climate. Seek out subtropical or tropical species if you live in South Florida and temperate species if you live in Central or North Florida.