GRADES 9 to 12 | 2024-2025
How to Register
Registration: Teachers are required to register every year. Registration for The Fairchild Challenge can be done at any time during the academic year. Participation is free for all schools in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Monroe Counties. Please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Each teacher that plans to participate with their students must fill out a 2024–2025 Teacher Registration Form
Notes about registration:
Step 2: Attend the optional Teachers’ Information Launch Workshop on Saturday, August 24, 2024 to learn more about the 2024–2025 Challenges offered for high schools — RSVP here!
Ready to participate?
How to enter a submission for a Challenge:
Step 1: Navigate to that Challenge’s webpage under the Your Challenges tab in bar at the top of this page.
Step 2: Review that Challenge’s entry requirements and double check that you have everything you need for a complete submission.
Step 3: Follow the instructions in the Challenge’s entry requirements on how to either drop off or upload the work of your student(s).
PLEASE NOTE, you must fill out Fairchild’s digital entry form for each individual submission you are entering.