Challenge 1: Rooting for the Urban Forest


Did you know you have the power to make real changes in your community? Your voice matters! As members of the South Florida community, Miami-Dade County’s Office of Sustainability wants your input about the proposed Urban Forestry Draft Plan. This plan outlines how the county would like to increase and maintain urban forests that shade neighborhoods, provide habitat for other plants and animals, and create a more resilient South Florida. For this Challenge, we want you to express your opinion by answering ONE of the following questions in a 300-800 word editorial or opinion essay.

Question #1

What role should schools play to raise Miami-Dade County’s average tree canopy cover above 30%? Tree canopy cover only increased from 12% to 20% between 2006 and 2021.

Relevant sections for this question in the Urban Forestry Draft Plan

  • Strategy 1.6 (page 12)
  • Strategy 2.6 (page 15)
  • Strategy 2.9 (page 16)


Question #2

What are some meaningful, specific ways your community can be encouraged to plant more trees and increase canopy cover?

Relevant sections for this question in the Urban Forestry Draft Plan

  • Strategy 1.1 (page 10)
  • Strategy 2.1 (page 12)
  • Strategy 3.2 (page 18)


Question #3

How can students like your peers be encouraged to pursue a career related to urban forestry? Examples of these careers include landscape architect, arborist, plant nursery grower, environmental planner, green infrastructure engineer, ecosystem biologist, or politician.

Relevant sections for this question in the Urban Forestry Draft Plan

  • Strategy 3.4 (page 19)
  • Strategy 4.1 (page 20)
  • Strategy 4.5 (page 21)

In your editorial or opinion essay, outline 2-3 action items (steps that your peers, your school’s administration, your community or the local government can take) that address the question of your choice, and cite at least one scientific publication to back your claims in APA or MLA style. Your goal is to contribute ideas that can be integrated into the Urban Forestry Plan and positively impact your community’s living conditions, the economy, and the environment long-term. Download PDF – COMING SOON!

✓  Submission Requirements:

A 300 – 800 word editorial or opinion essay that answers one question related to the Miami-Dade Urban Forestry Draft Plan with 2-3 action items. 


The editorial or opinion essay should include at least one citation of a scientific publication in APA or MLA style.


The editorial or opinion essay should be double spaced in 12-point font and include student name, student grade level, teacher name, and school name. 


Digital Entry Form. 

  • Your editorial or opinion essay should be uploaded as a single PDF file in this form. 
 Two submissions per school.
 On-time submission. Late submissions will be accepted with a reduction in points.


Important Dates

Submissions Due: 
Friday, October 11, 2024

Point Breakdown
Participants per submissionIndividual
Maximum number of points per submission50
Number of submissions per school2

Evaluation Criteria 

Fairchild City in a Garden Standards

Canopy Cover

Heat Mitigation

This Challenge Meets these Standards of the
Green Schools Recognition Program

  • Category 1 (School Grounds Enhancement), Indicator B: Habitat Improvement

  • Category 4 (Curriculum Integration), Indicator A: Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Category 5 (Community Involvement), Indicator: Community Partnerships in School Activities