GRADES Pre-K to 5 | 2024-2025
Challenge 3: Eco Atlas – Decoding Nature
For Individuals or Groups — Maximum points: 600 (200 per entry; 1 entry per level)
YOUR CHALLENGE: Patterns in nature have fascinated scientists, mathematicians, artists and philosophers throughout history. While different types of patterns occur in a diverse range of living and non-living things such as mollusks and snowflakes, they can be observed in plants as well. Consider for example the seemingly random spiral on a pinecone, the symmetry of a flower, or even the arrangement of branches on a tree trunk. To decode the nature which surrounds them, students will explore, document and research plant patterns outside their classroom and in their community. Downloadable PDF
ENTRY SUBMISSION: Wednesday, February 17, 2020 by 5:00 pm
Please visit the below Challenge pages for specific entry requirements.
Challenge 3A (PreK to 1st Grade)