Challenge 1A: Marvel-ous Miami
(PreK to 1st Grade)


South Florida needs your help! Only someone who takes action can make a difference. Imagine a new superhero whose job it is to protect our environment. What will this hero look like? What eco-problem will they combat? How will they come to the city’s rescue?  Your hero can look like anything – a person with special powers, a human-like plant who can talk, or some fantastic creature from your imagination.

Draw your eco-hero and give it a super name! Your hero should stand as a beacon of hope and inspire others to join the fight to ensure your community stays a haven for its citizens, plants, and wildlife alike. Download PDF – COMING SOON!

✓  Submission Requirements:
 Drawing of your hero, including their name on 8.5” by 11” paper. Your hero’s name should be related to your chosen eco-threat.
 Original hand-drawn artwork by students in colored pencil, crayon, pens, markers, pastels, or paints only; no computer-generated design.
 Drawing must include the student’s first name, last initial, grade and school name on the bottom right corner.
 Digital Entry Form
 Physically submit all entries delivered in person or mailed to Fairchild Challenge via certified mail to 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida 33156, ATTN: Education Department. Hand deliver entries M-F, 8a-5p at the South/Employee entrance, or drop off at the Visitor Center.
 Electronic uploads of drawings will not be reviewed.
 Two submissions per grade level per school.
 On-time submission. Late submissions will be accepted with a reduction in points.


Important Dates

Submissions Due: 
Friday, October 18, 2024 by 5:00pm

Point Breakdown
Participants per submissionIndividual or Groups up to 6
Maximum number of points per submission50
Number of submissions per grade level per school2

Evaluation Criteria 

Fairchild City in a Garden Standards

Heat Mitigation

This Challenge Meets these Standards of the
Green Schools Recognition Program

  • Category 4 (Curriculum Integration), Indicator A: Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Category 4 (Curriculum Integration), Indicator C: Field Experiences

  • Category 5 (Community Involvement), Indicator: Community Partnerships in School Activities