Tips for Teachers

  • Refer to monthly e-newsletters (Link Coming Soon!) for important information about the program. If you or any other teachers at your school are not receiving our emails, please contact us immediately.

  • Encourage as many teachers as possible to participate in the program and attempt the various challenges. Fairchild Challenge staff are available to present program details to members of your school community. Contact us to schedule a visit.
  • Follow the specific Challenge requirements listed under each Challenge description. Entries that do not meet the specified requirements may be penalized or disqualified. Each Challenge is evaluated based on specific criteria. Refer to the Evaluation Sheet for details.
  • Refer to the How-To guides and videos for additional resources to help plan and prepare for Challenges.
  • Refer to the State Academic Standards to understand how each Challenge is designed to meet various academic standards.

  • Submit entries in a manner that reflects environmental awareness. Avoid waste and unsustainable products whenever possible. 

  • Clearly label all entries with student and school name.

  • Student handwriting is encouraged on entries to ensure authenticity.
  • Digital entries should not be shared via MDCPS OneDrive or SharePoint. The Challenge Team is not able to access entries through these websites.
  • Take advantage of the many opportunities and resources that Fairchild has to offer in assisting you to complete your Challenges or attend events

    • Limited quantity of free transportation for events

    • Teacher Appreciation Loyalty Program

    • Fairchild’s living plant collections

    • Fairchild’s Field Trip programs are designed to improve students understanding and connection to the Challenges and support your Fairchild Challenge activities. 

    • Teacher professional development workshops throughout the year.

  • Public school teachers can register to receive Master Plan Points (MPP) through M-DCPS. The requirements to receive the MPP are: 1) attend the Teachers’ Launch Brunch, 2) participate in at least one Challenge during the school year, 3) attend the Teachers’ Forum and 4) complete M-DCPS evaluation requirements. To verify teacher participation in a Challenge, teacher’s name, discipline and contact information must be listed on the entry form accompanying the entries.

  • Receive a limited quantity of FREE four-person family passes to Fairchild to distribute to actively participating students and teachers. For more information and to request passes, please contact us. Passes will only be sent to schools that have participated in at least one challenge.

  • Fairchild and Dream in Green (DIG) are partnering this academic year to provide additional resources for teachers. For a complete classroom lesson plan to support participation, see DIG’s Green Schools program.  Click here for more information.

For any additional questions please contact