Science and Education

“All my life it has seemed strange to me that the vast majority of human beings are content with only hearsay accounts of the wonders found ‘through the microscope’ … a microscope will reveal wonders a thousand times more thrilling than anything which Alice saw through the looking-glass.” -Dr. David Fairchild, The World Was My Garden.
Dr. Fairchild’s words are at the core of our Science Education Philosophy. It is our mission to give learners of all ages the inspiration, interests and opportunity to connect with their environment, appreciate the beauty and value of nature, and promote environmental literacy and stewardship.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is a vibrant world of botanical science and discovery, all visible and open to the public right here in Miami. Established as a scientific organization, Fairchild has been committed to botanical research, conservation, and public education throughout its history. Fairchild science is a powerful combination of tropical field exploration, high tech laboratory science, computational analysis, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. We have a diverse team of staff, students, and volunteers working on a wide range of research and conservation projects, within our region and throughout the world.
Using the environment as an integrating concept, we offer a diversity of award-winning programs for school-age students, credit and non-credit courses for university undergraduates and graduates, professional development for educators, and life-long learning opportunities for adults. These programs are the result of cooperative efforts, led by seasoned educators on staff and involving input from program volunteers, teachers, students, science and curriculum specialists, research and horticulture staff and dedicated community partnerships.