Filming & Photography

Filming and Photography
Visitor Filming and Photography for Personal Use (Amateur)
Visitors to Fairchild are encouraged to take photographs and shoot videos for personal use. Personal photographs and videos are not to be used for commercial purposes. Please note that flash photography is not permitted inside the Wings of the Tropics exhibit as it is harmful to hummingbirds.
Personal and Amateur Portraits and Filming for Personal Use
Professional or amateur photographers taking photos for engagements, maternity, quinces, graduation and other life events must obtain a permit at the Admissions counter at the Visitor center. We will process your Permit payment and Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability on the same day of your photo session. Photo sessions are to be conducted between 10:00 and 3:00p.m. Regular admission tickets will not be accepted in lieu of the Permit. Please note that photo sessions are not a member benefit. for more information and the complete policies regarding personal professional photography/filming please contact Rosemary Aquino at 305-667-1651, ext. 3300.
Professional Filming and Photography (Commercial Use)
Photographs and videos are not to be used for any commercial purposes without authorization. Professional photographers or filmmakers taking photos for commercial use must contact the Special Events Department in advance before filming or photography of any kind. The Special Events Department may be reached by contacting Lori Sellers at 305-667-1651 ext. 3558. Projects will be approved on a case-by-case basis, with Fairchild reserving the right to refuse any project. The Garden will not allow any implied or actual endorsement of a product, institution or ideology. Commercial filming and photography will occasion fees.
Review our commercial filming fees and guidelines.
Review our commercial photography fees and guidelines.
Fairchild’s Photography Policy
While on the grounds, visitors may be photographed by Fairchild photographers, and these images and likeness therein may be used for the purpose of promoting the Garden. You may choose to opt out by informing the photographer.
Fairchild reserves the right to refuse admittance for photography and/or to change its Photo Policy without advance notice.