Challenge 4: Environmental Debate Tournament


This year’s challenge focuses on the critical issue of heat mitigation. You’ll delve into potential solutions on a local, national, and international scale. As you research these topics, consider the issue from different perspectives, both for and against various heat mitigation strategies. Through our Environmental Debate Tournament, you’ll sharpen your critical thinking skills by analyzing these diverse viewpoints. The tournament also provides a platform to develop your confidence and public speaking skills as you present your arguments. Download PDF for this info on one page

✓  Submission Requirements:
 At least one team of two students participates in the Debate tournament event at Fairchild on February 19, 2025 (points are accrued based on how many students participate and their placement).
 Maximum four student debaters (two teams of two) and one optional alternate team (two students) can participate in the Debate tournament event. Other students may attend as spectators.
 Students and teachers must remain for the duration of the debate to receive points.
 Registration form due on February 7, 2025.
 Optional Virtual Student Workshop – click here to watch the recording
 On-time debate registration. Late registrations must be okayed by the Challenge team.


Important Dates

Register debate teams by: 
Friday, February 7, 2025

**5 BONUS Challenge Points for teams that complete registration by February 7, 2025 and do not make any changes to their student teams

Debate Tournament Event at Fairchild: 
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Maximum Number of Participants

Point System

Up to 6 total debaters

2 main debate teams (2 students per team)


1 alternate debate team (2 students on alternate team)

Up to 200 points for two teams participating in Round 1 and Round 2 debate rounds

20 Bonus points to team(s) that advance to semifinals

Bonus points to team(s) that advance to finals (number depends on final placement-see below)

1st place overall = 5pts

2nd place overall = 4pts

3rd place overall = 3pts

4th place overall = 2pts

25 Bonus points
(alternate team participation)

Evaluation Criteria 

Fairchild City in a Garden Standards

Heat Mitigation

This Challenge Meets these Standards of the
Green Schools Recognition Program

  • Category 1 (School Grounds Enhancement), Indicator B: Habitat Improvement

  • Category 4 (Curriculum Integration), Indicator A: Interdisciplinary Approach

  • Category 4 (Curriculum Integration), Indicator C: Field Experiences

  • Category 5 (Community Involvement), Indicator: Community Partnerships in School Activities

  • Category 5 (Community Involvement), Indicator: Community Partnerships in School Activities