Space Plant Basics
How Plants Grow in Space
Food Production for Space Exploration NASA presentation
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Green Works Lab Tour with Dr. Massa
How to Water Plants in Space  
Published Literature
Our World: Systems to Grow Plants in Space
Real World: The Light Plants Need
Astro Science Journal for Teens: Can we grow safe and nutritious food in space?
Astro Science Journal for Teens: Can we grow safe and nutritious food in space? TEACHER’S KEY

Growing Plants in Space

Gardens on the International Space Station
Vegetable Production System (Veggie) Fact Sheet
Advanced Plant Habitat Fact Sheet
Space Station Live: Veggie 01

Growing Beyond Earth Project Resources
GBE Program Overview
NASA Welcome to GBE

TEDx Coconut Grove: GBE
2021-2022 Growing Beyond Earth® Results
2021-2022 GBE Student Research Symposium Winners
2015-2022 Growing Beyond Earth® Seed List
What to tweet
GBE twitter feed

Mission Patch
Active Research Site Poster
Order T-shirts and more for your school

2023-24 Growing Beyond Earth Research Protocols 
Cultivar Testing
Irradiated Seeds (REVISED 09-18-2023)
Dynamic Lighting
Herb Selections
Combined Containers and Companion Plants

Teacher Workshop Recordings and Presentation
2023-2024 Introduction to Growing Beyond Earth Presentation by Dr. Gioia Massa (video)
2023-2024 Introduction to Growing Beyond Earth Presentation (power point)
Cultivar Testing Workshop Recording
Irradiated Seeds Workshop Recording
Intro to Space Radiation Presentation by Dr. Alexander Meyers, NASA Postdoctoral Fellow (power point)
Dynamic Lighting Workshop Recording
Herb Selections Workshop Recording
Combined Containers and Companion Plants Workshop Recording
Workshop Data analysis, interpretation, and presentation:
Part 1 (video)
Part 1 (power point)

Part 2 (video)
Part 2 (power point)

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (Florida)
NGSSS Middle School 
NGSSS High School 

Next Generation Science Standards (National)
NGSS Middle School
NGSS High School

Science and Engineering Practices Aligned with GBE protocols



Resources for Your Students

This website is based upon work supported by NASA Grant No. 80NCCS22M0125-SciAct. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.