Graduate Studies

Graduate Fellowships

We seek current and prospective Ph.D. students to join our Graduate Fellowship program. Qualified candidates would be interested in joining one of our partner graduate programs at the University of Miami or Florida International University to study biology, agriculture, environmental science, or STEM education.

Our unique fellowship program offers:

  • up to three years of financial support to work with our award winning education program, The Fairchild Challenge
  • admission into university courses taught at Fairchild
  • access to our world-renowned tropical plant collection
  • training in the core disciplines that contribute to conservation biology, such as systematics, ecology, evolutionary biology, and genetics
  • opportunities for applied projects that make a difference in protecting tropical biodiversity and the lives of people dependent on this diversity

Our program offers up to three years of support. During those years, students serve as part-time teaching assistants with Fairchild’s award-winning educational outreach programs. These include our Growing Beyond Earth partnership with NASA, the Million Orchid Project, and other major citizen science initiatives. For the right kind of student, our program can provide fantastic opportunities for developing skills in science education and public outreach.

Graduate Fellows are encouraged to use Fairchild’s world-class plant collections and facilities. Our greenhouses and DNA, microscopy, and micropropagation labs are stocked with basic supplies to get students up and running. On a competitive basis, supported students can apply for travel and research funds from Fairchild.

Please submit a letter of interest, official undergraduate transcripts, GRE scores, and CV to Amy Padolf, Director of Education at Applications will be accepted until December 1, 2018, for the 2019-20 academic year.


Program Administration


Administrator of Graduate Studies at Fairchild
Amy Padolf, Director of Education –

Why Fairchild?
Research Support
Graduate Students
Student Publications