GRADES Pre-K to 5 | 2024-2025
Your goal is to collaborate, explore, and have FUN while earning points for your school to receive The 2024–2025 Fairchild Challenge Award. Our Awards Ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 17 at Fairchild. Schools receiving The Fairchild Challenge Award for five or ten consecutive years become a Fairchild Challenge School of Excellence and receive a banner to hang proudly at their school. Additionally, the top-scoring schools will be awarded cash prizes of up to $1,500 to support environmental programs at their school.
Our goal is to offer students a clear educational pathway that encourages environmental stewardship, develops leadership in environmental science and diversifies the scientific workforce.
Step 1: Teacher Registration:
Step 2: Attend the optional Teachers’ Information Launch Workshop to learn more about the 2024–2025 Challenges — RSVP here!
Some entries may need to be physically submitted while others can be uploaded to the Fairchild Challenge portal.