Spring Plant Sale

Saturday, May 13
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Spend a beautiful day at the Garden shopping for spectacular plants grown by our experts and from some of our favorite vendors.

This event is sponsored by LaCroix.

*LaCroix will be offering full can sampling as guests enter down the mulch path.


Some of these are plants cannot be purchased online as they are unique and rare species that have been specially curated for our Spring Plant Sale.

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and allow all plants to load prior to using the button below to print the list.

Agave vilmoriniana

Quantity: 12

Price: $25.00

This Mexican species is called the “Octopus Agave” because of its beautifully twisting and arching leaves. A real showstopper in the landscape, it grows slowly to 4’ tall. After about ten years, it produces a magnificent inflorescence of bright yellow flowers.  It will thrive in full sun with no supplemental irrigation or soil amendments. Be sure that the planting site drains well, and give it a small application of low nitrogen granular fertilizer before the onset of the summer rainy season.

Alocasia gageana

Quantity: 15

Price: $25.00

Dwarf Elephant Ear has large leaves and tends to form a clump. It is one of the easiest alocasias to grow in the garden. It can take sun to shade, though prefers brighter light. It responds well to regular watering, but is also tolerant of neglect.

Aloe dawei

Quantity: 10

Price: $30.00

Dawe’s Aloe, a clump-forming aloe originating from eastern and central Africa, has upright clusters of elongated, succulent stems, reaching a height of 3 to 4 feet tall. The leaves are green and fleshy with prominent, dark serrated teeth along the edges. Spikes of fiery orange-red flowers are produced in the winter. Aloe dawei forms many offsets, having a spread up to 6 feet, and can be used as a mass planting. Can also be grown in a container or planter. Plant in well-draining soil in full sun to light shade. Irrigate infrequently. Requires minimal maintenance.

Alternanthera ficoidea ‘Watermelon’

Quantity: 20

Price: $15.00

Joseph’s coat is an herbaceous perennial of the Amaranth family native to the Caribbean and Central and South America. This low-growing colorful variety is perfect for small spaces or as a ground cover. ‘Watermelon’ is a rare variety with a combination of red, pink, orange, yellow and green foliage. Prefers full sun to part shade and a medium amount of water in well-drained soil. Very low maintenance.

Arachnothryx leucophylla

Quantity: 12

Price: $20.00

Panama rose is a small shrub with beautiful tubular pink flowers that are arranged in tight clusters. They attract both butterflies and hummingbirds and are quite fragrant in the evening. Prefers full sun to partial shade and a well-draining soil.

Bauhinia tomentosa

Quantity: 10

Price: $20.00

Yellow bauhinia is a well-branched shrub or small tree reaching about 20 ft in maximum height. Flowers are yellow, pendant and bell-shaped with a dark center. It is a good grower and tolerant of a diversity of soil types. It can make a good boundary planting, responds well to pruning and needs full sun to look its best.

Borrichia frutescens

Quantity: 15

Price: $15.00

Silver sea-oxeye-daisy is a perennial shrub with silvery-green leaves and attractive yellow flowers. Its native range is eastern and southeastern United States, the West Indies (Bahamas) and southern Mexico. Borrichia frutescens is a common element of coastal areas, especially the ecotones between mangrove swamps and coastal uplands. Grow in full sun to light shade and wet to moist well-drained soil. Can tolerate brackish water or occasional inundation by salt water. Provides moderate amounts of food and cover for wildlife. Nectar plant for great southern white (Ascia monuste), gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae), large orange sulphur (Phoebis agarithe), southern broken-dash (Wallengrenia otho) and other butterflies

Brunfelsia grandiflora

Quantity: 10

Price: $20.00

Yesterday, today and tomorrow’ is a shrub that grows 8-10 feet tall. Its flowers change from purple to white over several days, hence its common name. It grows in light shade to sun. (Pot size: 1 gallon)

Brunfelsia nitida

Quantity: 12

Price: $20.00

Brunfelsia nitida is a small attractive shrub to 8 feet tall. The white tubular flowers are five inches long and may appear year round. They produce a fragrance of cloves at night. It is native to Central America and the West Indies. It will do well in sun or partial shade with regular fertilization.

Coccothrinax inaguensis

Quantity: 10

Price: $100.00

The thatch palm is a solitary fan palm native to the Caribbean. It can reach a height of up to 6 meters. The stiff leaves are shiny green above and silvery below.  It likes good drainage and full sun.

Codiaeum variegatum ‘Franklin D. Roosevelt’

Quantity: 10

Price: $20.00

A beautiful way to add color to your garden, this cultivar, Croton ‘Franklin Roosevelt’, has thin, leathery leaves that range from a bright green when they’re freshly unfurling to yellow, orange, red, and nearly black as the leaves age and absorb more sun. Prefers bright light and a well-draining soil. It is moderately drought-tolerant once established, but does best with regular irrigation.

Cordyline fruticosa ‘Morning Sunshine’

Quantity: 10

Price: $50.00

This Ti plant has bright sunrise shades of orange, yellow and green, making it a gorgeous accent plant for the tropical landscape. It reaches a height of up to 6 feet tall and blooms sporadically with clusters of tiny, purple, star like flowers. Prefers partial sun to shade and moderate water in well-draining soil.

Epiphyllum guatemalense f. monstrosa

Quantity: 15

Price: $20.00

Curly Locks Orchid Cactus makes a very distinctive specimen with twisting stems from Central America. It is a night bloomer and produces large white flowers followed by oval pink fruits if pollinated. It prefers filtered light or part shade and needs good drainage. It makes an outstanding hanging basket plant. (Pot size: 1 gallon)

Euphorbia punicea

Quantity: 12

Price: $40.00

This evergreen succulent shrub to small tree is native to the Caribbean. Although first described in 1788, E. punicea has yet to find it’s way into many South Florida gardens, even though it thrives on limestone, needs no irrigation and is a very light feeder. Its slow growth, upright habit, and branching structure make pruning irrelevant. Flame of Jamaica has the potential to bloom almost year-round. What we see as a flower show is actually an odd inflorescence surrounded by showy bracts, or modified leaves. These bracts can range in color from orangish-pink to scarlet to crimson red. Warblers and honey bees visit throughout the day, taking advantage of the abundant sweet nectar. Plant Euphorbia punicea in well-drained soil, or even a rocky hole with full exposure to the sun.

Euphorbia robivelonae

Quantity: 10

Price: $20.00

An endangered Euphorbia from Madagascar. Unlike most succulent Euphorbia, this species enjoys wetter conditions and produces an abundance of pink to purple flowers. It gradually forms a small rounded shrub and prefers part sun. It is an excellent container plant.

Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Rosea’

Quantity: 5

Price: $10.00

Fire Sticks is a cultivar of Euphorbia tirucalli. This striking succulent shrub, native to South Africa, has cylindrical, spineless green branches with branch tips transforming to orange, red or pink. This very easy to care for plant requires lots of sun light and well-draining soil. It is drought tolerant. Use in the landscape to provide strong color and textural accents, in xeric landscaping or as a container plant.

Freycinetia cumingiana

Quantity: 10

Price: $30.00

This non-spiny relative of the pandans is an upright multi-stemmed shrub that produces brilliant coral-colored flowers from January through March. Plant it in a shady area with cold protection and well-drained soil. (Pot size: 3 gallon)

Galphimia gracilis

Quantity: 10

Price: $12.00

Rain of Gold is a wonderful shrub that produces an abundance of vibrant yellow flowers throughout the summer and fall. It attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies and can reach a height of 4-6 feet. Prefers full sun to part shade and well-draining soil. Drought tolerant once established.

Gardenia taitensis ‘Mini’

Quantity: 10

Price: $45.00

Dwarf Tiare Gardenia is a small compact version of a wonderful Gardenia for South Florida. The foliage is very glossy and the 1″ white pinwheel-shaped flowers have a lovely fragrance. Full to part sun is best.

Gaussia attenuata

Quantity: 20

Price: $20.00

Palma de lluvia is a solitary pinnate-leaved palm, with a native range from Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico, where it grows in open humid forests on rocky calcareous steep hill slopes. It is tall, slender, and graceful and considerably storm resistant. Gaussia attenuata is a slow grower, but it can attain a height up to 20 meters tall, often exceeding the height of surrounding vegetation. It has an unusual swollen stem at the base, displaying a mass of robust roots. The crown is formed of 5-7 leaves. Fruits are orange-red. Due to reduction of its habitat by the expansion of agriculture, this palm is very rare in nature and has been listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species. Provide full sun and alkaline well-draining soil. Can withstand periods of drought once established. 

Gmelina philippensis

Quantity: 10

Price: $25.00

Parrot’s Beak is a tropical shrub or small tree that can reach a height of about 15 feet. It has ivy-like leaves and yellow flowers which emerge at the end of a tube-like structure of overlapping bracts. Prefers full to partial sun, and a well-draining soil.

Hedychium hasseltii

Quantity: 10

Price: $30.00

Java Butterfly Ginger is a small to medium sized species from Western Java (Indonesia), where it occurs as an epiphyte. It has short broad leaves and elegant flower spikes covered with brownish hairs and narrow-petaled white, fragrant flowers fading to yellow with age. Easily grown in pots in any humus rich, well drained soil in a partial shade. (Pot size: 3 gallon)

Hibiscus grandidieri var. greveanus

Quantity: 12

Price: $35.00

Hibiscus grandidieri var. greveanus is an uncommon weeping hibiscus with delicate red flowers that hang down. It prefers part sun to sun and will grow 4-6 feet tall.

Hibiscus poeppigii

Quantity: 12

Price: $12.00

Fairy Hibiscus is a dwarf, shrubby perennial native to Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys. It produces red, bell-shaped flowers that attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and a variety of other pollinators. Prefers full sun to light shade and requires little care once established.

Impatiens repens

Quantity: 10

Price: $15.00

Ceylon Jewelweed is a rare evergreen perennial in the family Balsaminaceae from the wet-zone rainforests of Sri Lanka. It is considered to be extinct in the wild due to habitat destruction. Impatiens repens can be used as a low-growing ground creeper that will create a dense mat or it can cascade from a hanging basket. However you use it, this ornamental will stand out with it’s heart-shaped dark green leaves, red fleshy succulent stems and bright yellow flowers. Blooms from June to September. Prefers bright filtered light, well-draining soil that’s kept evenly moist and plenty of humidity.

Malpighia glabra

Quantity: 6

Price: $30.00

Barbados Cherry’ or ‘Acerola’ is a bushy shrub known for producing red, tart fruit high in vitamin C. The flowers are pink and appear throughout the year depending on conditions. It is easy to grow in part sun with good drainage and is also a good container plant. It is drought tolerant. 

Marsdenia floribunda

Quantity: 10

Price: $30.00

Bridal bouquet, which used to be known as Stephanotis floribunda, is a vining plant that bears clusters of wonderfully fragrant, snow-white flowers. It likes shade, and can be trained on a trellis. Flowers are moth-pollinated.

Melochia parvifolia

Quantity: 20

Price: $15.00

Melochia parvifolia is a small shrub with small leaves that have an interesting texture formed by their sunken veins. It also produces clusters of attractive small white flowers. This charming plant is a nectar source for bees and butterflies. It’s native range is Cuba, Netherland Antilles to South Tropical America. Prefers full sun/part shade and well-draining soil.

Nepeta cataria

Quantity: 10

Price: $10.00

Nepeta cataria is the true catnip that is loved by house cats. Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. (Pot size: 1 gallon)

Pandanus amaryllifolius

Quantity: 8

Price: $30.00

Fragrant Pandan is an upright plant with long, slender leaves and aerial roots at the base. Unlike most Pandanus, this species lacks any spines on the leaves. It tends to only grow a few feet tall and produce many shoots at the base, eventually forming a tight clump. Its leaves are quite fragrant and are widely used in Southeast Asian cooking as a flavoring. It is moisture loving and will need irrigation during dry weather. It can be grown as an emergent aquatic in a pond or other water container. It prefers full sun to part shade.

Philodendron angustilobum

Quantity: 10

Price: $60.00

A climbing Philodendron with a native range from Central America to SW Colombia. Philodendron angustilobum has impressively long tri-lobed leaves. Prefers bright, indirect light and well-drained soil. Allow soil to dry out between waterings.

Philodendron pedatum

Quantity: 12

Price: $30.00

Oak Leaf Philodendron is a climbing aroid with multi-lobed, oak shaped leaves, hence its common name. It is native to South America and would make an excellent houseplant. Prefers partial or dappled shade and well-drained soil.

Phyla stoechadifolia

Quantity: 15

Price: $15.00

Southern Matchsticks is a lovely Florida native that will attract a variety of pollinators to your garden. The tiny white, pink, and purple flowers emerge on cylindrical heads a few at a time, and blooms throughout the year. Prefers full sun and moist to wet soil, will need irrigation during drier periods.

Pilea grandifolia

Quantity: 12

Price: $18.00

A small endangered plant native to the Caribbean, its leaves have a distinctive texture and its tiny clustered flowers appear frequently. It makes a good ground cover in shady areas.

Pilea grandifolia ‘Coral’

Quantity: 20

Price: $30.00

A special dark colored form of a beautiful small endangered plant native to the Caribbean. Its leaves have a distinctive texture and it frequently produces tiny purplish flowers in distinctive clusters. It makes an excellent plant for larger terraria and appreciates some added humidity. 

Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa

Quantity: 20

Price: $30.00

Red mistletoe cactus is a showy epiphyte, especially when grown in high light that brings out violet red color in the flattened stems. In lower light, the stems are more green. The small white spherical fruits will ornament the stems after flowering. It is best grown in a hanging basket or mounted in a tree. It is drought tolerant but also benefits from periodic irrigation during the dry season.

Randia aculeata

Quantity: 12

Price: $25.00

Randia aculeata, white indigoberry is a shrub to 3 feet tall that produces small, fragrant white flowers and white fruit that are deep purple inside. This plant provides food and cover to small native wildlife and is a nectar plant for several species of native butterflies including the Atala hairstreak and the Miami blue. White indigoberry does best in full to partial sun and tolerates heavy pruning once established, is drought tolerant. A Connect to Protect Network Species!

Rosa ‘Louis Philippe’

Quantity: 12

Price: $25.00

A rose for South Florida that performs well in heat and humidity. This needs full sun and with good care will reward you with many beautiful compact bright pink/red roses.

Sophora tomentosa var. truncata

Quantity: 12

Price: $15.00

Endemic to peninsular Florida, Yellow Necklace Pod is a medium to large shrub that occurs naturally in coastal strands, hammocks and dunes throughout Central and South Florida. It’s bright yellow flowers bloom all year long and attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other small birds. Sophora tomentosa var. truncata is a fast-growing, hardy plant with interesting fruits which are stalked pods up to 6 inches long with constrictions around each seed compartment, resembling a beaded necklace (hence the common name). Prefers full sun and moist, well-drained calcareous or sandy soils. (Pot size: 1 gallon)

Suriana maritima

Quantity: 10

Price: $30.00

Bay cedar is a long-lived woody shrub that is excellent for coastal plantings. It has attractive foliage covered with silvery hairs and is a host plant for larvae of two native butterflies. It is drought and salt tolerant and thrives in full sun. Also suitable as a container plant. (Pot size: 1.5 gallon)

Symphyotrichum dumosum

Quantity: 18

Price: $14.00

Native to the pinelands and prairies of the eastern United States and to the Greater Antilles, this aster has light blue to white ray flowers and yellow disk flowers. A shrubby perennial, it attracts butterflies especially hairstreaks, crescents and blues. (Pot size: 1 gallon)

Theophrasta americana

Quantity: 20

Price: $20.00

This understory shrub with compact rosette foliage has edible fruits called “guayabo de indio.” The leaves of this slow growing plant are pointy scalloped. It likes shade to partial sun. It is found only in Hispaniola and is an original Fairchild introduction. 

Weberocereus imitans

Quantity: 10

Price: $70.00

The rarest of the “ric rac” or “fishbone” cacti! This is an epiphytic cactus native to the tropical rainforests of Central America. The stems are flattened, deeply lobed, resembling a fishbone pattern. The growing tips of stems are an attractive red color, but then turn light green. The stems are completely spineless. The flowers are greenish-white and bloom during the night. It looks and grows best in part shade. In full sun the stems tend to bleach yellow and may burn. It is an epiphyte so needs a well-draining soil and should not be planted in the ground, but planted on a branch or rock or kept in a pot where the long pendant stems can hang down. It also makes a great container plant or houseplant. (Pot size: 1 gallon)