Graduate Students

Graduate Fellowships at Fairchild
NOW Accepting Applications for the 2024-25 Academic Year
Interested in flexing your science communication muscles and inspiring the next generation of scientists? Join Fairchild’s Graduate Fellowship program.
We are currently seeking Ph.D. students/candidates studying biology, agriculture, environmental science, or other related disciplines to join the Fairchild Graduate Fellowship program.
Our unique fellowship program offers:
- up to three years of financial support to work with our award-winning education program, The Fairchild Challenge, BioTECH (Fairchild’s Botany Magnet High School) or Growing Beyond Earth (indoor agriculture research partnership with NASA.
- access to our world-renowned tropical plant collection and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities
- admission into university courses taught at Fairchild
- training in the core disciplines that contribute to conservation biology, such as systematics, ecology, evolutionary biology, and genetics
- opportunities for applied projects that make a difference in protecting tropical biodiversity and the lives of people dependent on this diversity
Through this program, students serve as part-time teaching assistants with Fairchild’s award-winning educational outreach programs. For the right kind of student, our program can provide fantastic opportunities for developing skills in science education and public outreach.
Please submit a letter of interest, official undergraduate transcripts, GRE scores, and CV to Amy Padolf, Director of Education, at Applications will be accepted until May 1, 2024