
Blooming in September

The following is a partial list of flowering or fruiting plants located in Fairchild. Plants are grouped by area and listed alphabetically by scientific name, and include a common name when available and the location by plot number. You may refer to the plot map at the bottom of this page. Plot maps are also located at the Visitor Center at the entrance to Fairchild.


Botanical Name:
Hibiscus schizopetalus
Common Name:
Fringed Hibiscus
19b, 33, 55a
Botanical Name:
Portlandia platantha
19A, 24, 50, 146
Botanical Name:
Plumeria ‘Singapore Dwarf Pink’
Botanical Name:
Euphorbia punicea
Common Name:
Flame of Jamaica
41a, 50
Botanical Name:
Punica granatum ‘Nochi Shibari’
Common Name:
Tied Tail Pomegranate

Lin Lougheed Spiny Forest of Madagascar – Plot 31

Botanical Name:
Aloe ‘Rooikappie’
Botanical Name:
Bauhinia monandra
Common Name:
Napoleon’s Plume
Botanical Name:
Euphorbia viguieri var. viguieri
Common Name:
Viguier’s Spurge

Botanical Name:
Pachypodium lamerei
Botanical Name:
Uncarina grandidieri
Common Name:
Mouse Trap Tree

Lisa D. Anness Butterfly Garden – Plot 19b

Botanical Name:
Brya ebenus
Common Name:
Jamaican Rain Tree

Botanical Name:
Calliandra haematocephala ‘Nana’
Common Name:
Dwarf Red Powder Puff
Botanical Name:
Galphimia gracilis
Common Name:
Rain of Gold
Botanical Name:
Jatropha pauciflora subsp. haitensis
Botanical Name:
Melochia tomentosa
Common Name:
Pyramid Bush

Tropical Plant Conservatory and Rare Plant House

Botanical Name:
Costus acreanus
Botanical Name:
Dichorisandra penduliflora
Common Name:
Weeping Blue Ginger
Botanical Name:
Etlingera corneri
Common Name:
Siam Rose Ginger
Botanical Name:
Rhododendron ‘Simbu Sunset’
Botanical Name:
Rhododendron ‘Wild Child’

Vine Pergola – Plot 4

Botanical Name:
Allamanda ‘Old Gold’
Botanical Name:
Bauhinia bidentata
Common Name:
Pride of Selangor
Botanical Name:
Petraeovitex bambusetorum
Common Name:
Nong Nooch Vine
Botanical Name:
Schlegelia parasitica
Botanical Name:
× Ruttyruspolia ‘Phyllis Van Heerden’